DataQ7 is an innovative, unique 7 layered forensic name matching process.  This process has been developed over 20 the last years utilizing Minnesota’s criminal justice data.
Criminals often utilize variations in names to "hide" from the system.  These alias names are used to gain trust or access to persons, places or things.

The focus of the DataQ7 forensic processes is to identify individuals that fly under the radar and do not want to be found.  Utilizing DataQ7 electronic forensic name matching process provides a greater ability to identify these types of criminals.

In addition, names and date of births are often misspelled or mistyped.  Our research over the years indicated that on average 2 to 5 percent of any database that is manually entered is inaccurate, incomplete, or has some form of errors include.  Many databases have a much higher percentage of cases that are inaccurate, incomplete, or contain errors.

DataQ7 unique forensic name matching processes also check the most comment misspelling, as well as, the most common and similar names (i.e; Mike and Micheal; bob and Robert, etc).  The processes also incorporates search component for known aliases.


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